Different Foods That Help Boost Brain Health

There are many nootropics that are on the market that boast giving users significant benefits when it comes to their brain function. While this is very much the case, there are a number of other ways that you can reduce anxiety and depression as well as increase your ability to concentrate and energy. The key is to eat the right foods that contain the vitamins that a healthy brain needs.

The best foods, which are often referred to as brain food, will contain the right balance of healthy fats, nutrients, and antioxidants. They help the brain to maintain its health so that you can handle stress and complex thought processes with ease. As the old saying goes, you really are what you eat.

One of the most beneficial foods is avocados. Some people believe that these power fruits are harmful to health due to having a large amount of fat content, but the reality is that they have the good fats that your body needs. Not only do they help with improving your brain function, but they will also leave your skin, nail, and hair looking amazing when eaten on a regular basis. They contain B and C vitamins which are water soluble and release from your body quickly, but promote brain function and need to be replenished. Try adding them to your salads and sandwiches to give them some extra flavor and vitamins.

Another food that gets a bad rap is beets. When they are not prepared well, they can be rather bitter, but finding a recipe that allows them to enhance the flavor of a meal can put a stop to that. This vegetable has many positive qualities such as increasing blood flow, which improves the ability to focus and can actually provide a boost of energy without the negative side effects of sugars. If you have not given beets a chance now is the time to do so.

One food that makes the list is one that almost everyone loves. Blueberries have long been known for their antioxidant qualities, but they are also great for reducing stress levels and preventing memory loss. You can eat them as is or add them to your favorite smoothie to get all of the benefits that they have to offer.

Broccoli is also one of the best brain foods that you can find. It is chock full of vitamin K and Choline, which are known to boost memory. They are best eaten raw, as that ensures that they maintain their high nutritional content, but they can also be added to countless dishes to increase their nutritional value. No matter how you eat them, finding the way that you enjoy the most is sure to help your brain maintain its health.

If you are looking for foods that act similar to some of the best premade nootropics you should look for those that contain healthy fats, vitamin K, B, and C, as well as antioxidants. There really are countless foods that can help to increase your memory and focusing abilities as well as reduce stress and depression, you just need to know where to look.

Alpha Brain – One of the Best Nootropic Supplements in the Market

Just like your body, you use your brain all the time. Whether in your office while working or studying, your brain is active all the time. It collects information, retains them, and helps you remember all the information whenever you need. Your brain is a type of muscle which is made with multiple cells. Just like humans, the old cells of your brain die and new ones are formed to take their places. It is very important to maintain a steady balance in this process. If the balance is not maintained, your brain may cease to function smoothly when you get old. One of the best ways to ensure a smooth functioning brain is to have a good quality nootropic supplement.

What Do You Mean By Alpha Brain?

There are several nootropic or brain enhancing supplements in the market. One of the popular brands is Alpha Brain. This product is made by Onnit, one of the highly reputed companies. The primary aim of Alpha Brain is to help you enhance your focus and memory. It can also boost your energy levels so that you do not feel tired by the end of the day. Unlike many other types of brain supplements, Alpha Brain is a combination of several supplements, as a result of this, it helps your brain and overall health in several ways possible. ONNIT even makes an instant version call Alpha Brain Instant.

Benefits of Consuming Alpha Brain

There are several benefits of regular intake of Alpha Brain. Some of the key benefits are mentioned below for your information.

  1. Alpha Brain contain Huperzine A and Alpha GPC formula, which work in a combined manner to boost the acetylcholine levels in your brain. As a result of this, it helps you remember things in life very easily.
  2. There are several ingredients in Alpha Brain which promote mental peace. These ingredients allow you to remain free from stress and anxiety, which results in a peaceful and relaxed sleep at night. Proper sleep will automatically enhance the functionality of your brain.
  3. Boost Your Cognitive Ability And Focus: There are many ingredients in Alpha Brain such as Vinpocetine, which help to boost your focus and cognitive abilities. These ingredients help to boost blood flow to your brain, which allows your brain to get more levels of oxygen and vital nutrients.


The dosage instruction of Alpha Brain is very simple. You simply have to consume 1 or 2 capsules in the morning or during the afternoon with a light meal. However, if your body weight is more than 200 pounds, you may have to increase the dosage to 3 capsules a day.

It is said that Alpha Brain is a safe brain supplement. However, there have been reports of side effects. If you consume Alpha Brain you may experience headaches. If the effects of the headaches get serious, then it is recommended that you stop your daily consumption of the supplement. First timers should also consult with a doctor before starting on any type of health supplement. This will help in the long run.

Source: DrenchFit.com – ONNIT Alpha Brain Review

Finding The Best Cognitive Enhancers

Plenty of people want to have better brain speeds, but not everyone knows how to make it happen. There are certain chemicals that can help heighten focus and the speed at which information is processed. Those drugs are considered Class 2 by the U.S. government, meaning that you can’t get them without a prescription.

Which leaves a number of people looking to the supplement world to find their cognitive enhancers. The FDA does not have to approve supplements before they go on the shelf, however, which means a lot of those supplements are nothing more than lies and sawdust. They make amazing promises, but the simple truth is that they just don’t work.

So how do you find the best cognitive enhancers? How do you ensure that what you’re buying will actually help? And if what you buy does help, how do you make sure it’s actually safe to ingest and won’t cause any long-term problems?


Using Google Properly

One of the major problems is that many people don’t know how to properly use Google. They type in something generic, such as “nootropics” or “best cognitive enhancers”, and they get a long list of whatever the most popular faux-drug Dr. Oz has most recently been promoting.

No wonder so many people think weird things about health!

Rather than that, you have to be able to narrow your search terms. Don’t just look for supplements for brain functions. Instead, try to find supplements that do a specific thing. Or try to find supplements that cater to your specific body issues. Whatever the case, you have to figure out how to narrow those search terms.

It’s only by narrowing the terms that you can really find what you need. Of course, if you haven’t figured out what search terms you need in order to narrow it down, this can be a bit difficult. That’s why you have to do other research, first. Click here to check out the best nootropics: thenootropicsreview.net

Talk To A Doctor

Many people buy supplements because they can’t get their doctors to listen to them. That’s fair, and if that’s the case then you have to do what you have to do. However, if you’re simply hoping that something will work without having any real understanding of what it’s supposed to do, you should hold off.

People like to talk about “big pharma” and other doctor conspiracies, but the simple truth is that while many doctors are certainly influenced by pharmaceutical companies, that doesn’t mean they’ll prescribe something you don’t need short of some major problems. If that’s the case, then you need to get a new doctor immediately.

However, once you’ve talked to a health care professional, then you can begin doing a little more research. Trying to find the best enhancement supplements for your cognitive abilities isn’t exactly easy. It’s made even more difficult by the fact that if you need cognitive enhancers, you’re probably not great at research.

Still, with determination and grit, you can find some enhancers that really help. They’ll be exactly what you need!

Mental health – Why is it overlooked?

When people talk about getting healthy they usually refer to partaking in some kind of physical exercise but what about our mental health? We believe that our mental health is just as important as physical health. Many scientist have discovered that most of the sickness that people face can be somewhat correlated to a lack of good brain health. Did you know some people used “wishful thinking” to cure themselves when doctors told them they wouldn’t survive. Our brain is a complicated organ and taking care of it should be addressed in the public more often. So how does one begin to take care of their mental health? Stay tuned as we being to explore the different foods, supplements, and mental exercises that can help improve our overall brain health.